How social media raises up millennial recruitment at Mavidea
Lately, we’ve experienced an overwhelming response from young professionals in search of their next job opportunity.
It’s the happy result of a calculated risk we took earlier this year with our Social Media Un-Policy. From what we’re hearing, this uptick is an expression of how young job seekers feel about what they see of Mavidea online.
It’s a connection they make with the digital identity we’ve kind-of-on-purpose but kind-of-on-accident created.
Bringing you closer, even if you’re far away
Over the past year, we’ve been recruiting and hiring sales people outside of Illinois. How we maintain culture outside of our home markets has been a concern of ours.
It’s one thing to communicate our culture of Having Fun Serving Others to those who meet us in our home office located in Bloomington, IL. But we believed we would have more of a challenge as we expanded our operations to Nashville and Dallas.
That’s why I tasked myself to do more social media for Mavidea similar to what I do for our Ford Bronco restoration business, Maxlider Motors. Our website development and online marketing teams have also done an awesome job of translating our real world culture to the web.
Why millennials pick Mavidea
As it’s turned out, the online personality we created has been an asset in attracting top talent. Over and over, we’ve heard job applicants say, “I wanted to pursue your company because of what I observed of you online.”
We ask the people to talk about why they picked Mavidea and often they tell us their decision was made when they saw our Meet the Team page. They also say that our quick, casual videos helped them get to know us as people.
The online glimpses of our daily worklife also help them get to know our culture and values. They’ve told us, “The more we see of you makes us want to pursue you more.”
In some cases, we’ve attracted people who could get higher paying jobs, but who decided to pursue us because of the cultural perspective.
They don’t just identify with our purpose of Having Fun Serving Others. They hold that same goal for themselves. They view employment with Mavidea as an opportunity for personal growth.
Some straight talk you might need to hear
Like it or not, people are making a decision about you and your business based on what they find online.
So if your website is old and crummy, people looking for services will have an opinion about that. What you might underestimate is that the people you’d like to employ will have an opinion about that as well!
As for our team here at Mavidea, we’ve gotten such a good response from our online marketing efforts that we’ve decided to double down on those strategies. Along the way, we’ll continue to monitor to make sure that what we accomplish continues to align with our purpose statement.
A digital identity speaks volumes about a business. It also says a lot about who we want to be in the future.
3 questions to ask yourself about your recruitment strategy
- How do you think your prospective customers feel when they look at your website?
- Does your online presence speak to the values of prospective employment candidates?
- How does your social media strategy and website influence their decision making process?
When it comes to recruiting millennials, culture is an important part of what they’re looking for. They value the experience and they don’t just want a paycheck.
You can bet they’ll look at your online presence for telltale signs of what you’re all about.
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