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In past years I have had a somewhat negative attitude towards New Year resolutions. I never make them because I don’t want to be another person who makes goals at the end of the year and then quits soon after. This year I have decided that my attitude towards New Year resolutions has been wrong and that the people who make New Year resolutions are continually striving for betterness and that is an admirable and difficult thing to do. I just finished reading “The Go Giver” and the book lists five laws of stratospheric success, one being –

“The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself” The Law of Authenticity

I encourage you to set at least one goal for yourself this year and share it with someone else. New Years is a great time for a fresh start! I know we have talked about these before, but as a reminder you should use the following to create your goals:

Goals should be S.M.A.R.T…

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Attainable

R – Realistic

T – Timely
